Zhilin Fang
Zhilin Fang
License Number:


Professional Field:

Criminal Defense, Contract Disputes, Marriage and Family Matters, Corporate Counsel, Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution

Email: lawyer_fang522@foxmail.com

Educational Background:

Bachelor of Laws, Guangdong Police College

Part-time Positions (Partial):

1. Senior Corporate Compliance Officer

2. Director of Marriage Law Research Society of Guangdong Law Society

3. Lawyer representing the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Guangzhou Lawyer Profession

4. Guangzhou Excellent Public Interest Lawyer

5. Guangzhou Lawyers Association Yangcheng law good people volunteer service team volunteer lawyers

6. Guangdong Province, women's rights and information service station pro bono lawyer

7. Secretary-general of Loyal Criminal Law Research Centre

8. Director of Loyal Marriage and Family Law Research Centre

Handled Cases:

Criminal Defence Category (Partial):

1. Hong XX, suspected of intentional homicide, was sentenced to death with immediate execution in the first trial. Our lawyer intervened in the second trial, and the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court adopted our defence opinion and changed the sentence to death with a two-year reprieve, and exempted from the death penalty;

2. Zhan XX was suspected of six offences: embezzlement, unlawful detention, collection of unlawful debts, tolerating prostitution, illegal sale of land use rights and unlawful occupation of agricultural land, and was sentenced in the first instance to 17 years and 8 months' imprisonment. Our lawyer intervened in the second trial and pointed out a large number of factual ambiguities and errors in the application of the law, and the court of the second trial finally adopted our lawyer's opinion and remanded the case for retrial;

3. Tian XX was suspected of opening a casino, with a starting point of 5 years, after the lawyer's study that it did not constitute the crime of opening a casino, the prosecutor's office adopted the lawyer's defence opinion during the review and prosecution stage, and eventually changed the sentence to gambling, with the sentence reduced from 5 years to 9 months;

4. Huang XX was suspected of theft, and through the efforts of our lawyers, he was eventually not prosecuted to avoid leaving a criminal record;

5. Feng XX was suspected of the offence of smuggling across the border, after pleading guilty and accepting punishment, the Procuratorate gave him a suspended sentence, and through the efforts of our lawyers, he was not prosecuted, so as to avoid leaving a criminal record;

6. Huang XX was suspected of intentional injury, resulting in the victim's bilateral nasal bone comminuted fracture, identified as constituting a minor second-degree injuries, through the communication between the lawyer and the victim to obtain an understanding, and ultimately was not prosecuted, to avoid leaving a criminal record;

7. Represented the victim Huang XX fraud case, the suspect fraudulent use of the identity of lawyers, the case belongs to the civil dispute or criminal case is very controversial, the lawyer's efforts, and ultimately succeeded in fraud will be suspected of a criminal case;

8. Represented He XX in a case of intentional injury, and through the efforts of our lawyers, the victim finally succeeded in obtaining compensation, etc.

Civil and Commercial Disputes (Partial):

1. Shenzhen XX Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong XX Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. commodity housing reservation contract dispute case, the agency retrial stage by the Guangdong Provincial High Court trial successfully changed the judgement, for the client to save 12 million yuan of economic losses;

2.Jin XX and Zhao XX civil loan dispute case, in the first trial judgement Jin XX lost, as its second instance lawyer for appeal, after the lawyer to obtain evidence, reasoning, and ultimately the second instance court to support all the appeal request, revoke the original judgement, for the client to save more than 10 million losses;

3. Zhan XX and Luo XX civil loan dispute case, through the efforts of our lawyers, inquired and froze the more obscure property clues of the borrower Luo XX, and successfully recovered the principal and interest of the loan of more than 1 million yuan for the client;

4. Liu XX and Zeng XX partnership contract dispute case, partnership for the signing of vague pre-dividend debit, and then by the partners to borrowing lawsuit, after the efforts of our lawyers, dismissed all the other side of the lawsuit, for the customer to reduce hundreds of thousands of losses;

5. The case of sale and purchase contract dispute between China Construction XX Co., Ltd. and Haikou XX Co., Ltd. in the first trial was ruled to require a third party to jointly bear the responsibility for repayment of the case, as the second trial lawyers to participate in the litigation, through the efforts of our lawyers, the second trial to change the judgement does not need to bear the responsibility for repayment, for the client to avoid hundreds of thousands of losses.

6. Li XX and He XX, Wang XX and other people processing contract dispute, in the case of the parties have sued the case of intervention in the litigation, after the study of the lawyer that should be added to the co-repayers, and finally the court adopted the views of the lawyer's agency successfully added three co-repayers and judgement of the four people to bear the responsibility for repayment, for the customer to successfully recover the money a few more points of protection.

Enterprise Permanent Consultant (Partial):

Foshan Metro Line 2, the only legal adviser team, Shaoguan Municipal Government, Guangzhou Yike Trade Company Limited, Guangdong Baohetian daily necessities Limited, Guangzhou Huazhe Packaging Equipment Company Limited, Guangzhou Yazhi Yi Trading Company Limited, Guangdong Overseas Chinese Friendship Company Limited, Guangzhou Xiulin Recreation and Fitness Equipment Company Limited, Guizhou Shengmei Cosmetics Co. Yino Hardware Products Co., Ltd, Dongguan Shanghe Mechanical Equipment Co.

Professional Articles (Partial):

1. "What to do if you find undivided property after divorce" was published in the "Family" magazine, Issue No. 12, 2023, in the column "Law on Family Matters";

2. "Does the suspect still need to be detained after the procuratorate "does not prosecute"? Published in Loyal Public (18 April 2023)

3. "How can a full-time wife protect her legal rights and interests in a divorce? Published in Loyalist Public (28 December 2022)

4. "Take You to Understand the Custody Necessity Review in One Picture! Published in Loyalist Public (21 November 2022)

5. "If a tenant kills someone in a rented house, should the landlord pay?" published in Loyalist Public (7 July 2022)

6. "Divorced mum doesn't have a job, who will the kids be awarded to?" published in Loyalist Public (2022, 7 July) published in Loyalist Public (4 March 2022)

Work Experience:

Fang Zhilin lawyer has solid legal background and high professionalism, had the court's work experience. Since the practice for shaoguan city government, guangdong province experimental animal monitoring institute, foshan investment and development company limited, guangdong huajian enterprise group limited, the construction of not two curtain wall decoration company limited and so on a number of government agencies, institutions, state-owned enterprises to provide litigation agency services, special legal services and perennial legal adviser services.

Fang is especially good at dealing with criminal defence field of cases have more in-depth study, for dozens of major and difficult criminal cases, the type of undertaking involves intentional homicide, embezzlement, rape, fraud, unlawful detention, smuggling, intentional injury, counterfeiting of registered trademarks, casinos, smuggling across the border (border), and most of the crime cases have a significant impact, the circumstances of the seriousness of the case. Fang lawyers with professional skills, the dedication of the cocoon for the client's defence, most of the cases were adopted by the court, including the immediate execution of the death penalty was commuted to a suspended sentence, the second trial remanded for retrial, felonies changed to misdemeanours, a number of cases in the prosecution stage to obtain the non-prosecution and the investigation stage to obtain the effect of release on bail and awaiting trial.

Fang has good negotiation and communication skills, calm and meticulous, with high recognition from clients. Enthusiastic about public welfare, was awarded the title of "excellent public interest lawyers" by the Guangzhou Lawyers Association.