Zhiming Huang
Zhiming Huang
Senior Consultant
License Number:


Professional Field:

Games, Live Streaming, E-sports, AIGC, Blockchain, Intellectual Property Rights, Data Compliance, Version Numbering, Unprotected compliance, Player complaints, Government investigations, Rights protection, and other Internet and new technology business whole process legal compliance and dispute resolution


E-mail: 174571615@qq.com

Social positions:

Deputy to the People's Congress of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City

Arbitrator of Zhanjiang International Arbitration Court/Arbitration Commission

Legal expert member of China Television Drama Production Industry Association

Invited Researcher, Internet Rule of Law Research Centre, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Invited Researcher, Artificial Intelligence Law Research Centre, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

Work Experience:

Huang Zhiming graduated from Lanzhou University School of Law in 2009 with a Master's degree in Law; he holds certificates such as the Legal Professional Qualification Certificate, the Certified Personal Information Protection Professional Certificate, and the AIGC Occupational and Technical Level Certificate.

Prior to joining Loyal, Huang Zhiming worked for NetEase for 13 years as a senior legal director and senior legal expert (head of NetEase Game Compliance and Risk Control Centre). He is good at the whole process of legal consultancy and dispute resolution legal services in Internet and new technology fields such as games and their derivatives, live broadcasting, e-sports, AIGC, MCN, accelerators, blockchain, etc.; and he is good at the legal service of game overseas compliance, contract drafting and review, product content/business business model, etc. He is good at the legal service of game overseas compliance, contract drafting and review, and product content/business business model. He has rich experience in game overseas compliance, contract drafting and auditing, product content/business business model legal compliance assessment and scheme design, intellectual property protection, data compliance, game version number application, unprotected compliance, players' complaints, government investigation, crisis management, copyright, trademark right, right of reputation, unfair competition and other aspects.

Main project experiences and achievements:

I. Legal Compliance and Risk Control

Huang Zhiming has built domestic and overseas game product architecture, and the whole process of legal compliance and risk control system from project initiation, R&D, testing to operation, release, and shutdown, and have cumulatively served more than 300+ products, such as Fantasy Westward Journey, Westward Journey of the Great Tongues, Operation Wilderness, Fifth Person, Egg Party, Against the Shore, Everlasting Robbery Without a Hole in the Ground, Yin and Yang Masters, Rate of the Earth, and World of Warcraft;

Established multiple compliance systems such as content compliance, data compliance, unprotected compliance, AIGC compliance, etc., which have been successfully implemented in all NetEase Games products;

Developed version number submission system, process and guidelines, and led the team to obtain over 200+ version numbers, including several version numbers for special themes/playing styles, such as Operation Wilderness, Fifth Person and Everlasting Havoc;

Developing government investigation/player complaint processes and guidelines, actively communicating with authorities, and appropriately handling various government compliance investigations, player complaints, public opinion and emergencies.

II. Important Projects and Legislation

As one of the experts in the project evaluation committee, participate in the project evaluation at all stages of the product, and issue compliance evaluation reports for the company management's decision-making reference;

As a core staff, leading or participating in major projects of the company, such as Blizzard project, werewolf killing project, VR joint venture project, film and television investment/production project and blockchain project;

As an industry expert, he has been deeply involved in industry legislation for many times, such as the Measures for the Administration of Online Games, the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Protection of Personal Information, the Measures for the Administration of Generative Artificial Intelligence, etc. He has also been involved in the formulation of age-appropriate prompting standards for the gaming industry, parental guardianship, and content review standards.

III. Rights protection and litigation dispute resolution

Huang Zhiming has established an intellectual property protection system to fight against infringements such as private services, plug-ins, peripheral piracy, black public relations, leakage of secrets, trademark infringement and unfair competition in an all-round way, so as to safeguard the company's legitimate rights and interests [the number of rights defended by the team exceeds 10W+/year];

Independently hosted or participated in a number of influential major civil/criminal cases, with a case value of more than ten million, such as Taobao art resources infringement case, Qiannian private service case, a film case, Easy West Tour infringement case and Pocket Fantasy infringement case.